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Railway Signalling & Communication Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (3): 24-28.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-4440.2024.03.005

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Design and Implementation of Integrated Emergency Communication Network Based on Software Defined Networking(SDN)

Shuang Jiayun,  Luo Tao   

  1. Shanghai Communication Division, China Railway Shanghai Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai    200434, China
  • Received:2023-11-01 Revised:2024-03-06 Online:2024-03-25 Published:2024-03-25


双家赟,罗 涛   

  1. 中国铁路上海局集团有限公司上海通信段,上海 200434
  • 作者简介:双家赟(1982—),女,工程师,本科,主要研究方向:铁路应急通信、铁路数据通信网等,邮箱:67998784@qq.com。

Abstract: The integrated emergency communication network for railways faces big challenges in achieving rapid construction due to its involvement of many services and technologies. One research topic worthy of attention is how to achieve the rapid construction of integrated emergency communication networks, while meeting the different needs of various services and multiple scenarios and ensuring the stability and effectiveness of communication networks. This paper draws the inspiration from the new concept of separation between control layer and data layer in software defined network (SDN), and makes the proposal the SDN technology should be introduced to emergency communication. Thus, SDN-based integrated emergency communication networks can be established to achieve such related functions as centralized network control, state perception and on-demand routing, and improve network stability and efficiency.

Key words: SDN, emergency communication, on demand routing

摘要: 铁路应急通信网络由于涉及业务多、技术种类多,在实现快速搭建的问题上面临比较大的挑战。如何实现应急通信网络的快速搭建,同时满足多种业务、多场景下的不同需求,保证通信网络的稳定性与有效性成为一个值得关注的研究话题。软件定义网络(Software Defined Networking,SDN)提出的控制层与数据层分离的新思想为研究提供新的方向。提出在应急通信中引入SDN技术,构建基于SDN的融合应急通信网络,实现网络的集中控制、状态感知、按需路由等相关功能,提高网络的稳定性与效率。

关键词: SDN, 应急通信, 按需路由

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